Friday, July 28, 2006

Hot Hot Heat II

Good grief! It's still really hot! Hurray! I love it actually, although it has been a bit too hot even for me on a few occasions. Top tips for keeping cool:

Wear a skirt. You too boys!
Cotton underwear. Save your nylon skank pants for winter
Drink lots of water. You can flavour it with Gin though.
Eat lots of fruit, fish and salad. Oh, I'm sooo healthy
Wear your shades and be cool, man. Even at night.
Sleep with only a sheet. Bizarrely the Boy still likes to sleep with our down filled duvet, which is just weird. I have the sheet only and our bed looks very odd.

How was you Ashton Court everyone? Did you get well and truly bladdered? I didn't! I was sensible this year and just as well! The Boy ahem, overindulged. Threw up everywhere and had to be dragged home by me. So I missed the Go Team! Nuts. But I saw The Smerins Anti Social Club. They were great weren't they? I had a lovely skank down the front all alone on Sunday and enjoyed myself immensely. I peed in the woods, had me a Pieminister Pie and generally revelled in the Ashton Courtness of it all.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm a bad, bad girl...

...because I have been neglecting my blaawwggg. Slap on the wrist for me and I promise to never, never do it again. Imagine someone just hit me across the nose with a rolled up newspaper. ~There. Now I am punished.

Anyway WHY have I been neglecting you, oh my faithful reader? (there's got to be only one left at this point) Because - did you notice? It's really damn hot. At least everyone keeps bitching about the heat, but I? I am made of Sterner Stuff. This heat? This is Nothing. NOTHING. For I have lived in the City of New York, which at this time of year is a simalcrum of hell. The heat is damp and even stretching to get another glass of ice coffee is too much damn work. You can break a sweat just standing up.

Okay it's not the heat. It's....I have an actual, proper job like! I'm proper, me! I have been working on a temporary basis for an organic food company for the last 2 weeks, and I am being taken on! Hurray. I am going to be running the office, sorting out the accounts, looking after the website AND I also get to do fun stuff like develop new product lines, marketing and general strategy. As you can tell it is a VERY small company. In fact there a 3 members of staff including me. We all pitch in and get whatever needs doing done. The owner is not above mopping the floors and neither am I, although he has confided to me that he'd like us to start making enough money to employ a cleaning lady soon. shouldn't be too much of a problem!

anyway! Yay for me! I am quite pleased with myself, can you tell?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rain, rain go away

So, last night I came home to a completely weird message from Sailor Boy which effectively read: 'I am leaving for Edinburgh tomorrow and I may never come back.' Sailor Boy you are such drama queen 'I may never come back'. Oh please.

After much frantic phoning round various mates, none of whom had any idea either, I eventually tracked down the SB himself. Turns out he's been seconded by work to Edinburgh and is simultaneously trying to find a new job, which will probably be in London. And therefore his gingerness 'strawberry blondeness' is unlikely to be seen again in these parts. So we managed to scrape together a small group of SB fans and met for drinks at the White Lion, the suckitude of whose service I will discuss on Bristol Foodie. Best view in Bristol though.

Oh Christ what was the point of this post again? Really I must think these things through before applying hand to keyboard. Oh yes the SB is fucking off to Edinburgh. Well, enjoy it dear, and expect me and the Boy for a weekend in August for the festival. I will miss your gobsmackingly awful jokes and I forgive you for the time you completely failed to drive me to work because you'd decided to spend the day in London and had forgotten to tell me, leaving me stranded in Clifton without a paddle.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hot Hot Heat

There's just something about hot summer nights that makes me want to go get sweaty in tiny nightclub pop boxes where I can indeed wave my hands in the air like I just don't care. So Friday evening me, the Boy and The Boy Who Cannot Love went to hear Jerry Dammers, ex The Specials, DJ some noice ska and reggae at Native a newish club on Small Street. Oh I do love a good skank. After a slow start, the club soon filled up, mostly with a slightly older crowd who were into The Specials first time round. I amused myself by pointing out possible conquests to TBWCL and The Boy found some bloke off his head on God knows what to chat to which he always enjoys. I bopped up and down and even got The Boy to dance with me which is something of an achievement as he always refuses to participate when I dance round the living room at home. Spoilsport.

We all got exceedingly drunk on Native's deceptively cheap jugs of beer and staggered out at 3am with our ears ringing when the ska somehow segued into drum n bass. Ick. I bloody hate drum n bass. The Boy needless to say was loving it but as I can't fecking stand the foul racket, an executive decision was taken to leave. The crowd was a bit crap anyway - too many women wearing flowered dresses and heels. To a club. I ask you.

Honestly darlings, and stop me when I sound pretentious, but you just don't get the same quality clubber in Bristol you do in New York. I do miss the sheer fabulousness of New York clubs even if I don't miss the eye popping drinks prices. Still - if you are young enough and fabulous enough it's not hard to get your drinks bought for you. I used to wear a pink fun fur mini skirts with platform shoes high enough to break my ankles in out clubbing. Oh shut up, it was the mid nineties, I was 19 and really skinny. Besides this was pre the Party Monster murder when night-life in New York was still crazy.

Bristol Foodie

Bristol Foodie has launched. Don't worry I won't be neglecting Bristol Girl, but I am quite excited about Bristol Foodie. Those of you who know me, know I am passionate about food and so, a blog all about food was a fairly natural progression. There is some excellent food to be had in Bristol and I hope to talk about eating out in Bristol as well as reviewing sources of raw ingredients such as farmers markets and delis. I may also talk about my experiences as a domestic cook in a format similar to The Kitchen Diaries, with apologies to Nigel Slater. Bristol Foodie is being written in conjunction with Titsy Galore who is an even bigger food obsessive, not to mention a Leith's trained cook. Titsy is currently very busy with the opening of Bordeaux Quay so you will probably have to put up with mostly me to start with. If we're extra lucky the Domestic Goddess who is a real food writer (as opposed to a fake blogger one like me) might contribute something. Look out for an upcoming interview with Dominic Vyvyan-Jones the owner of The Organic Chocolate Cake Company and the tasting panel on bread from local bakers.

What would you like to see covered in Bristol Foodie? Any restaurants you especially loved/hated? An amazing deli/butchers/cafe you just discovered? Your source for merguez? The best place to buy fruit and veg? Hate Tesco? Where do you shop? Let me know, either by commenting, or you can email us directly: bristolfoodie at googlemail dot com