Bristol Foodie

Bristol Foodie has launched. Don't worry I won't be neglecting Bristol Girl, but I am quite excited about Bristol Foodie. Those of you who know me, know I am passionate about food and so, a blog all about food was a fairly natural progression. There is some excellent food to be had in Bristol and I hope to talk about eating out in Bristol as well as reviewing sources of raw ingredients such as farmers markets and delis. I may also talk about my experiences as a domestic cook in a format similar to The Kitchen Diaries, with apologies to Nigel Slater. Bristol Foodie is being written in conjunction with Titsy Galore who is an even bigger food obsessive, not to mention a Leith's trained cook. Titsy is currently very busy with the opening of Bordeaux Quay so you will probably have to put up with mostly me to start with. If we're extra lucky the Domestic Goddess who is a real food writer (as opposed to a fake blogger one like me) might contribute something. Look out for an upcoming interview with Dominic Vyvyan-Jones the owner of The Organic Chocolate Cake Company and the tasting panel on bread from local bakers.
What would you like to see covered in Bristol Foodie? Any restaurants you especially loved/hated? An amazing deli/butchers/cafe you just discovered? Your source for merguez? The best place to buy fruit and veg? Hate Tesco? Where do you shop? Let me know, either by commenting, or you can email us directly: bristolfoodie at googlemail dot com
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